Description of phytoplankton community structure of northern South China Sea in summer, 2019
YAN Yantao, BAI Jie, YANG Shimin
In summer, 2019, the phytoplankton at 9 stations in the northern part of South China Sea (20 °~22 °N, 118 °~119 ° E) was collected with layered water sampling method at the depths of 0, 30, 75, 100, 150 and 200 m, respectively, and characterized in community structure. The characterized included, for example, phytoplankton species composition, cell abundance and diversity index. In total, 210 species of phytoplankton in 3 phyla and 70 genera were detected, which included 113 species in 40 genera of diatom, 96 species of 29 genera in Dinophyta, and 1 species of 1 genus in Chrysophyta. The average cell abundance of phytoplankton was 20.33 × 103 cells/L. Among the identified species, the abundance of diatom varied between 2.21 and 171.13 × 103 cells/L with an average of 19.10 × 103 cells/L, accounting for 93.97 % of the total. The cell abundance of dinoflagellate varied between 0.04 and 5.92×103 cells/L with an average of 1.22 × 103 cells/L, accounting for 5.98 % of the total. The horizontal distribution showed an increasing trend from south to north and from west to east. In vertical distribution, at 75 m water layer, the highest cell abundance was found, which varied between 11.84 and 172.28×103 cells/L, which was followed by that at 100 m water layer where the abundance varied between 6.36 and 35.28×103 cells/L. The abundance at 0 m (3.84~12.64×103 cells/L ) and 30 m (3.64~15.80×103 cells/L ) was similar while that at 200 m was obviously higher low (2.24~6.28×103 cells/L). Such abundance distribution was closely related to the stratification of tropical and subtropical waters. In this study, 0.020 dominance was selected as the limit, following which, The dominant species were all diatoms, and the main dominant species was Thalassionema nitzschioides with a dominance of 0.063. The remaining dominant species were Coscinodiscus subtilis, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima, Nitzschia longissima and Chaetoceros constrictus. Through diversity index and evenness analyses, it was found that the northeastern part of the surveyed sea area was more stable and richer in species. Compared with the historical data of similar sea areas, the cell abundance was higher and the species were more abundant.